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              1. <blockquote id='HMD4IT'><q id='HMD4IT'><noscript id='HMD4IT'></noscript><dt id='HMD4IT'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='HMD4IT'><i id='HMD4IT'></i>
                ABOUT LONGJIN
                1996 years
                Founded in 1996
                330" data-speed="1000"> 330 mu
                plantation base covering an Area of 330 acres
                28 +
                28+ invention patents
                400" data-speed="1000"> 400 MILLION
                Registered capital RMB 400 million
                Company Profile
                Stock code:002750

                Founded in 1991, Kunming Longjin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has developed into a modern biotechnology and pharmaceutical enterprise integrating R&D, production, supply and sales for nearly three decades.

                We have established long-term partnership with more than 10 universities and scientific research institutions.

                Our products are mainly sold in more than 30 provinces of China. Our sales revenue reached RMB 335 million in 2018.

                We now have more than 230 staff.

                Longjin's Core Vlues