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                After donating RMB 1 million to Yunnan Red Cross Society on February 6, Kunming Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. donated drugs with the total value of more than RMB two hundred thousand through Anning Red Cross Society on February 10, and will continuously make donation to other needed medical institutions. At the core stage for combating the Coronavirus, Longjin Pharmaceutical actively participated in the public benefit activity, showing the company’s confidence and determination to work with all walks of life to overcome the difficulty.


                The Chinese New Year 2020 was unusual. Coronavirus soon swept the whole country starting from Wuhan. The city of Wuhan was blockaded, roads at many places were closed and factories and schools were stopped extensively… The sudden epidemic broke the peace. The country, regions, enterprises and even individuals suffered from unprecedented difficulties and losses. As the diagnosed patients were increasing rapidly, the front-line medical institutions also faced various difficulties such as serious medical materials shortage.。


                Let’s work hard together and look forward to the bright future; the annual meeting of Kunming Longjin Pharmaceutical was successfully held.


                On January 15, 2020, all senior and middle-level management personnel of the company attended the company's Annual Operation Plan 2020 Meeting & Management Personnel Work Report Meeting at the meeting room on the 4th floor.
